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Report An Absence

When to Report an Absence

Will my scholar be missing a live Zoom class?


No problem. Then no need to call the absence in. Just carry on with work in Canvas.


Call Meghan Miller to report the absence at 253-945-5804 or email You can also report absences via ParentVUE. If leaving a message, please include: Students full name, date of missed Zoom class, and reason for the absence.

Longer Term Absence

Will my scholar be absent from live Zoom classes for two or more days? Will my scholar be unable to access their coursework in Canvas?


Daily Absences from Zoom should be reported to Meghan Miller at 253-945-5804. Or email You can also report absences via ParentVUE. A daily absence from Asynchronous work in Canvas does not require a phone call. 


Contact Meghan Miller at 253-945-5804 or email She will send you the pre-arranged absence form to fill out and return.